Thursday, April 26, 2012

I'm Gonna (Semi)Rant, And You're Gonna Like It!!!!

OK, look, today all of the people that I THOUGHT were my best friends turned on me. And I'm not sad at all. :) They told me that I was mean to them, and if you've know me for at least five minutes, you'd know that I'm not mean. I may be a bit wacky, but I'm not mean, and despite my crazy-looking post title, it's true.
My mother always told me that I shouldn't have to change for anyone, especially those closest to me. And she said if they tried to get you to, then they weren't true friends. Comment if you agree.
I said, and I quote, "Look, guys, I may be mean, but if you don't like it, you can go get bent somewhere," and maybe that was a teensy-weeny bit angry, but I'm as stubborn as a mule and I'm proud of it! It's hereditary, my mother wouldn't back down from anything and she would do anything to do anything if she set her mind to it.
I really don't know what else to say. Comments are appreciated, I like people to tell me what they think.