Sunday, December 18, 2011


I was just thinking about the weirdest dreams that I've ever had in MY LIFE, and I wanted to share a few of them:

1. I had one of those naked dreams. My gym teacher was in it. If you go to my school you will know that you don't want my 6th period gym teacher who also teaches Lifetime Wellness to be in one of your naked dreams. UGH!!!

2. I had a dream where I had to ride a short bus (not for retarded people, for little kids). And the bus was really, really small and only 2nd graders could fit on it, so I had to ride it and it turns out that the little kids were inducting me into a secret society of 2nd grade spies. The chief of the HQ was a white rabbit that held a pocket watch and kept on saying, "I'm very, very late!"

3.There was this ghost that killing everybody in my family. It turned out that it was actually just one of my friends, Sara Kate. And all the sudden, Marshall was in family, so she killed him and took his face and put it on hers. o at this point Marshall is  a ghost with no face. He waves his hands and a Christmas tree appears. Sara Kate then takes my Grandpa's face and put it on the tree. I ask, "What is going on here?" and all of the sudden my 4 other best friends come from the ceiling and start dancing to "Everybody Loves Kung Fu Fighting." When they eventually stop, one of my male friends, Will walk out of the bathroom dressed as a Buddhist preist and says, "You need to get in touch with your soul." When he says this my stomach starts to hurt and I puke up this cow. I name it George and it starts to breakdance. I say, "Really?" and then I woke up.

There was many more than that, but I can't think of any.

What in the World is "Hugo?"

Tomorrow is the day the entire middle school goes to see a movie. Unfortunately, we were bad last year, so the movie theater people made the price of a children's ticket go up to $7.00! So we can't go to that theater anymore, so we're going to the cinemas in Murfreesboro to see the movie "Hugo." Does anyone have ant idea what the movie is about, and who is Hugo? One of my friends said it was really good, but we don't really have the some taste in movies, so I don't know who to listen to. She said it was about this guy who lives in a clock, like the hunchback of Notre Dame. But I'm not completely sure...
                                                                                   Here is the theatrical poster:

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Yearbook Staff Issues!!!

Me and my partner in yearbook staff went on to our page a few days ago and found out that someone had gone in and did all of the coloring on it! I know maybe that person was just trying to help, but Mrs. Hall made it strictly clear that we are not allowed to touch other people's pages. That's should be crime or something, we should be able to work on our pages in privacy and ask for help only when we need it! It would have been better if that person had at lest said something to me and Amanda before they just went on and did all of our work for us! I am very mad about that still and I WILL figure out who did it!

Poptropica and LOLCats

     I have fallen in love with two of the most immature things I can think of: Poptropica and LOLCats. Poptropica is this game that we play at school when we get an apple in A Plus. There are islands and stuff that you have to beat so at lest it has a point. But it is SOOO fun and I am officially addicted to it.
     The other thing I mentioned, LOLCats, they are probably the stupidest thing on the web (that I've seen), ever. I made a page for them and there is many more than that, but I got tired one night and couldn't download anymore. They are just pictures of cats caught doing stupid stuff, then their owners put a funny caption on the picture and viola! You have an LOLCat! They are very stupid and I don't recommend people with lung problems, respiratory problems, or if you don't like to laugh very hard to look at them. Or if you don't like a hint of immaturity in your life. -cough, cough- :)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

School Post

Wll, I feel very bad right now. It's my first post from school. I have lots of reccomendations not to, but anyway. I don't really care. SHORT POST!